Friday, September 7, 2007

Oliver and the "BIG-TAR"...

Oliver is very funny these days...
He says many funny things, so I just thought I'd write down some of the funniest ones and give you a little glimpse into oliver's world!!!! Gosh He's Cute!!!

"BIG-TAR" = Guitar
Aaron gets the guitar out once in a while, and when he does oliver very clearly and confidently calls it a big-tar...and also associates the big-tar with BONO!!! We love U2..especially BONO and the EDGE at our house, so Oliver is very adamant that anything to do with a guitar has to do with BONO!!!!

"BONE-HAT" = This Old Man: Nick knack patty whack give the dog a bone...
Oliver loves the book "This Old man"... and because in "This old man" you give the dog a bone...and all of the men wear silly hats...He puts the two together~thus he is always asking to read "bone hat".

"duh-tuh-tuh's" = motorcycle/helicopter (they're pretty much interchangeable)

"pa-pack" = daddy's backpack

"meet" = blanket

"ma-moo" = banana or belly button...we have no idea why he insists that this is how you say banana or belly button~but it sure is funny!

"ba-po" = peanut butter

"Faphet" = are really amazing~ oliver always knows which books or pictures have "faphet's" on them, and he is always pointing them out to me. He usually see's Gordon B. Hinckley or Spencer W. Kimball.

"Dina-horse" = Dinosaur

"Bar-cute" = Barbeque ...and he says it over and over and over and over.... :O)

"Geek-a-Boo" = Peek-a-Boo!!!!...Funny eh?