Saturday, September 15, 2007

Week at a Glance...

Hello Again....
Welll, I think I've decided to mainly stick to a weekly post, unless something Spectacular happens that I just can't wait to write...
Thus, I will call it "week at a glance"...this title has a very sentimental meaning as it was what my junior English teacher had us do EVERY week...week after week after week....
To this day, when I make my weekly "to do" list, it is entitled "week at a glance" instead of my to do''s that for some useless information!!!
We had a pretty good week this week...oliver is a bit "trickier" now that he wants to have as much control as humanly possible. So that is a very interesting thing to work around.
But other than that we had a lot of fun!
Eliza had her first swing experience out on the playground!!!! She wasn't super thrilled with it all, but I think she'll get used to it. Oliver wasn't sure what to think either, so he kind of was pushing her side to side, front to back....but not very Gentley (so we'll have to figure that one out :O).
Eliza also turned 3 months old this week, and is getting pretty fancy with her tummy moves!!! She's not rolling over yet, but she still has a few days if she wants to keep up with oliver's timing...However, I wouldn't mind if she just toned it down a bit. Oliver pretty much walked out of the womb on his own, so it would be nice if eliza wanted to be a little more....layed back :O)
Due to the fact that oliver really likes to be in control these days...I have found that he does best sometimes if he is contained to some degree (in his room is all I mean :O). For those of you who don't know him, he just won't sit still (I guess that's kids for ya)...but for me, it has been nice to just let him play in his room for a while by himself....a little quiet time for he and mommy both. We don't do this too often, but he seems to enjoy playing by I don't feel too bad about it. Anyway, the other day I went up to find that he had emptied all of the brand New wipes that we had just put in the container....and put them ever so neatly ALLL OVER his crib. He is very proud of the things he does, so if you can imagine he was elated to show me his wonderful masterpiece....from what I understand....he was "cleaning" the crib and all of his blankets/pillow..and his stuffed animals. Pretty clever eh?
As far as Aaron and I...nothing too exciting happened this week.
Aar started back with tutoring, so now he is riding his bike to and from work, to tutoring, and also to scouts.... to say the least, he's lost quite a bit of weight!!!!
I am starting school at the end of the month, and will be taking an Emergency Response class, which will ultimately finish in 3 quarters giving me an EMT I am VERY VERY VERY excited about that!!! This class is not a requirement for the nursing program, but my brain is starting to lose juice, so I am mainly doing it for the practical purposes and also to help keep me fresh for when I do eventually get into nursing school...which hopefully won't be too long. The next lotto is in wish me luck!
Well folks....
I think that is it for this week!!!! I'll post some Cheers, and ENJOY!!!!
joni ann

1st...removed all of the wipes
2nd...put them ever so neatly all over his crib!!!!

3rd...mommy insisting he put every last one AWAY!!!! :O)

FUNNNN....her very first SWING experience!!!!

Lovin the tummy!!!